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Lifted Masks; stories by Susan Glaspell
page 106 of 226 (46%)
The exercises were drawn to a speedy close, and he found the party
manager standing by his side. "It was very grand," he sneered, "very
high-sounding and heroic, but I suppose you know," jerking his hand
angrily toward a table where a reporter for the leading paper of the
opposition was writing, "that you've given them the winning card."

As he replied, in far-off tone, "I hope so," the candidate for
Governor was looking, not at the reporter who was sending out a new
cry for the opposition, but into those faces aglow with the light of
new understanding and new-born hopes. He stood there watching them
filing out into the corridor, craning their necks to throw him a
last look, and as he turned then and looked from the window it was
to see that the storm had sobbed itself away, and that along the
driveway of the reformatory grounds the young trees--unbroken and
unhurt--were rearing their heads in the way they should go.



They began work at seven-thirty, and at ten minutes past eight every
hammer stopped. In the Senate Chamber and in the House, on the
stairways and in the corridors, in every office from the Governor's
to the custodian's they laid down their implements and rose to their
feet. A long whistle had sounded through the building. There was
magic in its note.
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