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Lifted Masks; stories by Susan Glaspell
page 64 of 226 (28%)
"Your case will come before the executive council at its next
meeting, William. And if anything like this should happen again, you
will be discharged on the spot." Freckles bowed. "You may go now."

When he was almost at the door the Governor called to him.

"Don't you think, William," he said--the Governor felt that he and
Freckles could afford to be generous--"that you should apologise to
the gentleman for the really grave inconvenience to which you have
been the means of subjecting him?"

Freckles' little grey eyes grew steely. He looked at Henry Ludlow,
and there was an ominous silence. Then light broke over his face.
"On behalf of the elevator," he said, "I apologise."

And a third time the Governor's hand was raised to his mouth.

The next week Freckles was wearing a signet ring; long and audibly
had he sighed for a ring of such kind and proportions. He was at
some pains in explaining to everyone to whom he showed it that it
had been sent him by "a friend up home."



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