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Lifted Masks; stories by Susan Glaspell
page 91 of 226 (40%)



The elements without were not in harmony with the spirit which it
was desired should be engendered within. By music, by gay
decorations, by speeches from prominent men, the board in charge of
the boys' reformatory was striving to throw about this dedication of
the new building an atmosphere of cheerfulness and good-will--an
atmosphere vibrant with the kindness and generosity which emanated
from the State, and the thankfulness and loyalty which it was felt
should emanate from the boys.

Outside the world was sobbing. Some young trees which had been
planted along the driveway of the reformatory grounds, and which
were expected to grow up in the way they should go, were rocking
back and forth in passionate insurrection. Fallen leaves were being
spit viciously through the air. It was a sullen-looking landscape
which Philip Grayson, he who was to be the last speaker of the
afternoon, saw stretching itself down the hill, across the little
valley, and up another little hill of that rolling prairie state. In
his ears was the death wail of the summer. It seemed the spirit of
out-of-doors was sending itself up in mournful, hopeless cries.

The speaker who had been delivering himself of pedantic
encouragement about the open arms with which the world stood ready
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