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Lifted Masks; stories by Susan Glaspell
page 96 of 226 (42%)
home which we, the good, prepare for you, the bad, and what
namby-pambyness there was, after all, in that sentiment which all of
them had voiced--and now you must pay us back by being good!

Oh for a man of flesh and blood to stand up and tell how he himself
had failed and suffered! For a man who could bridge that chasm with
strong, broad, human understanding and human sympathies--a man who
would stand among them pulse-beat to pulse-beat and cry out, "I
know! I understand! I fought it and I'll help you fight it too!"

The sound of his own name broke the spell that was upon him. He
looked to the centre of the stage and saw that the professor from
the State University had seated himself and that the superintendent
of the institution was occupying the place of the speaker. And the
superintendent was saying:

"We may esteem ourselves especially fortunate in having him with us
this afternoon. He is one of the great men of the State, one of the
men who by high living, by integrity and industry, has raised
himself to a position of great honour among his fellow men. A great
party--may I say the greatest of all parties?--has shown its
unbounded confidence in him by giving him the nomination for the
governorship of the State. No man in the State is held in higher
esteem to-day than he. And so it is with special pleasure that I
introduce to you that man of the future--Philip Grayson."

The superintendent sat down then, and he himself--Philip Grayson--was
standing in the place where the other speakers had stood. It was with
a rush which almost swept away his outward show of calm that it came
to him that he--candidate for the governorship--was well fitted to be
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