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Friends in Council — First Series by Sir Arthur Helps
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say," he wrote, towards the close, "that Kings are God's Vicegerents
upon Earth; but almost every human being has, at one time or other
of his life, a portion of the happiness of those around him in his
power, which might make him tremble, if he did but see it in all its
fulness." To this book Arthur Helps added an essay "On the Means of
Improving the Health and Increasing the Comfort of the Labouring

His next book was this First Series of "Friends in Council,"
published in 1847, and followed by other series in later years.
There were many other writings of his, less popular than they would
have been if the same abilities had been controlled by less good
taste. His "History of the Conquest of the New World" in 1848, and
of "The Spanish Conquest of America," in four volumes, from 1855 to
1861, preceded his obtaining from his University, in 1864, the
honorary degree of D.C.L. In June, 1860, Arthur Helps was made
Clerk of the Privy Council, and held that office of high trust until
his death on the 7th of March, 1875. He had become Sir Arthur in
H. M.



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