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The Newcomes by William Makepeace Thackeray
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XLV A Stag of Ten
XLVI The Hotel de Florac
XLVII Contains two or three Acts of a little Comedy
XLVIII In which Benedick is a Married Man
XLIX Contains at least Six more Courses and Two Desserts
L Clive in New Quarters
LI An Old Friend
LII Family Secrets
LIII In which Kinsmen fall out
LIV Has a Tragical Ending
LV Barnes's Skeleton Closet
LVI Rosa quo locorum sera moratur
LVII Rosebury and Newcome
LVIII "One more Unfortunate"
LIX In which Achilles loses Briseis
LX In which we write to the Colonel
LXI In which we are introduced to a new Newcome
LXII Mr. and Mrs. Clive Newcome
LXIII Mrs. Clive at Home
LXIV Absit Omen
LXV In which Mrs. Clive comes into her Fortune
LXVI In which the Colonel and the Newcome Athenaeum are both Lectured
LXVII Newcome and Liberty
LXVIII A Letter and a Reconciliation
LXIX The Election
LXX Chiltern Hundreds
LXXI In which Mrs. Clive Newcome's Carriage is ordered
LXXII Belisarius
LXXIII In which Belisarius returns from Exile
LXXIV In which Clive begins the World
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