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The Huge Hunter - Or, the Steam Man of the Prairies by Edward S. (Edward Sylvester) Ellis
page 104 of 128 (81%)
Irish jig on the barren earth in front of their cavern home, after
they had concluded to leave the place.

'Where does she reside?' inquired Ethan.

'Ballyduff, Kings County, in the Oim of the Sea; it's there that lives
the lass that's to have the honor of becoming Mrs. McSquizzle, and
becomin' the mither of her own children. Arrah, but isn't the same a

'The same as my own, Michael,' ventured the Yankee, who deemed it his
duty to correct this general remark of his friend.

'Arrah, now, get cut wid ye! she can't begin wid Miss Bridget
Moghlaghigbogh that resides wid her mither and two pigs on the
outskirts of Ballyduff, in the wee cabin that has the one room and the
one windy. Warrah, warrah, now isn't she a jewel?'

'And so is Seraphenia.'

'But has she the rid hair, that makes it onnecessary for them to have
the candle lit at night? and has she the same beautiful freckles, the
size of a ha'penny, on the face and the nose, that has such an iligant
turn up at the end, that she used to hang her bonnet on it? Arrah,
now, and didn't she have the swate teethsix of the same that were so
broad that they filled her mouthand it was none of yer gimblet holes
that was her mouth, but a beautiful one, that, when she smiled went
round to her ears, did the same. And her shoes! but you orter seen

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