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The Huge Hunter - Or, the Steam Man of the Prairies by Edward S. (Edward Sylvester) Ellis
page 106 of 128 (82%)

And thereupon the Irishman began whistling 'The Girl I Left Behind
Me,' accompanying it with a sort of waltzing dance, kept with
remarkably good time.

'And so you intend to marry her?' inquired Hopkins, with no little

'It's that I do, ef I finds her heart fraa when I return to Ballyduff,
You know, that the loikes of her is sought by all the lads in Kings
County, and to save braaking their hearts, she may share the shanty of
some of 'em.'

'Jerusalem! but she is the all-firedest critter I ever heard tell on.'

'What does ye maan by that?' demanded the Irishman, instantly flaring
up; 'does ye maan to insinooate that she isn't the most charming
craater in the whole counthry?'

'You'll allow me to except my own Seraphenia?'

'Niver a once.'

'Then I'll do it whether you like it or not Your gal can't begin with
mine, and never could.'

'That I don't allow any man to say.'

And the Irishman immediately began divesting himself of his coat,
preparatory to settling the difference in the characteristic Irish
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