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The Huge Hunter - Or, the Steam Man of the Prairies by Edward S. (Edward Sylvester) Ellis
page 12 of 128 (09%)
about a quarter of a mile distant, when it rapidly slackened, and as
quickly halted.

'What's the matter wid it now?' asked Mickey; 'has it got the cramps
and gi'n out?'

'The steam is used up!' replied the dwarf, as he hurried after it; 'we
can soon start it again!'

All four made all haste toward the stationary figure; but the light
frame and superior activity of little Johnny brought him to it
considerably in advance of the others. Emptying a lot of wood from the
wagon, he was busily engaged in throwing it into his stomach when the
other two came up. His eyes sparkled, as he said:

'Jump up there, and I'll give you all a ride!'

The three clambered up and took their seats with great care, Mickey
and Ethan especially clinging as if their life depended on it.

Johnny threw in the fuel until the black smoke poured in a stream from
the hat. Before leaving it, he opened two smaller doors, at the knees,
which allowed the superfluous cinders and ashes to fall out. The water
in the boiler was then examined, and found all right. Johnny mounted
in his place, and took charge.

'Now we are ready! hold fast!'

'Begorrah. if I goes I takes the wagon wid me,' replied Mickey, as he
closed his teeth and hung on like death.
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