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The Huge Hunter - Or, the Steam Man of the Prairies by Edward S. (Edward Sylvester) Ellis
page 128 of 128 (100%)
They evidently had among their number those who had become pretty well
acquainted with the steam man, else they would not have laid the plan
which they did for capturing him.

Being well mounted, the party made the entire journey to Independence
on horseback. From this point they took passage to St. Louis, where
the gold was divided, and the party separated, and since then have
seen nothing of each other.

Mickey McSquizzle returned to Ballyduff Kings County, Ireland, where,
we heard, he and his gentle Bridget, are in the full enjoyment of the
three thousand pounds he carried with him.

Ethan Hopkins settled down with the girl of his choice in Connecticut,
where, at last accounts, he was doing as well as could be expected.

Baldy Bicknell, although quite a wealthy man, still clings to his
wandering habits, and spends the greater portion of his time on the

With the large amount of money realized from his western trip, Johnny
Brainerd is educating himself at one of the best schools in the
country. When he shall have completed his course, it is his intention
to construct another steam man, capable of more wonderful performances
than the first.

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