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The Huge Hunter - Or, the Steam Man of the Prairies by Edward S. (Edward Sylvester) Ellis
page 14 of 128 (10%)

'What's to hinder?'

'How kin he work his legs, if they're holler that way and let the fire
down 'em?'

'They ain't hollow. Don't you see they are very large, and there is
plenty of room for the leg-rods, besides leaving a place for the draft
and ashes?'

'Wal, I swan, if that ain't rather queer. And you made it all out of
your head naow?' asked the Yankee, looking at the diminutive inventor
before him.

'No, I had to use a good deal of iron,' was the reply of the
youngster, with a quizzical smile.

'You mean you got up the thing yourself?' 'Yes, sir,' was the quiet
but proud reply of the boy.

'Jingo and Jerusalem! but your daddy must be fond of you!' exclaimed
the enthusiastic New Englander, scanning him admiringly from head to

'I haven't any father.'

'Your mother then.'

'I don't know about that.'

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