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The Huge Hunter - Or, the Steam Man of the Prairies by Edward S. (Edward Sylvester) Ellis
page 22 of 128 (17%)

'Don't think you mean to lie, younker, but I don't believe any such
stuff as that.'

'It don't make any difference to me whether you believe me or not,'
was the quiet reply of the boy; 'but if you will come inside and shut
the door, and let me fasten It, so that there will be no danger of our
being disturbed, I will soon show you.'

These two personages, so unlike in almost every respect, had taken
quite a fancy to each other. The strong, hardy, bronzed trapper,
powerful in all that goes to make up the physical man, looked upon the
pale, sweet-faced boy, with his misshapen body, as an affectionate
father would look upon an afflicted child.

On the other hand, the brusque, outspoken manner of the hunter pleased
the appreciative mind of the boy, who saw much to admire, both in his
appearance and manner.

'I don't s'pose yer know me,' said the stranger, as he stepped inside
and allowed the boy to secure the door behind him.

'I never saw you before.'

'I am Baldy Bicknellthough I ginerally go by the name of 'Baldy.''

'That's rather an odd name.'

'Yas; that's the reason.'

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