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The Huge Hunter - Or, the Steam Man of the Prairies by Edward S. (Edward Sylvester) Ellis
page 37 of 128 (28%)
'I didn't ax yer to fool with yer,' replied the trapper'thar's a place
that I know away out West, that I call Wolf Ravine, whar thar's enough
gold to make both of yer richer than yer ever war afore, and then
leave some for yer children.'

'Jerusalem! but you're a lucky dog!' exclaimed Ethan Hopkins, not
daring to hope that he would reveal the place. 'Why don't you dig it
up naow, yourself?'

'I only found it a month ago, and I made a purty good haul of it, as
it was. When that old boss of mine went down with the steamer, he
carried a powerful heft of gold with him, and if anybody finds his
carcass, it'll be the most vallyable one they ever come across.'

'Jingo! if I'd know'd that, I'd taken a hunt for him myself.'

'Howsumever, that's neither yar nor thar. You both done me a good turn
when I got into trouble on the river, and I mud' up my mind to do what
I could toward payin' it back the first chance I got. I didn't say
nothin' of it when we was on our way, 'cause I was afeard it would
make you too crazy to go back ag'in: but if you'll come back this way
next spring I'll make the trip with you.'

'Why not go naow?' eagerly inquired Hopkins.

'It's too late in the season. I don't want to be thar when thar's too
much snow onto the ground, and then I must stay yar till I git well
over that whack I got on the boat.'

It is hardly necessary to say that the offer of the kind-hearted
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