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The Huge Hunter - Or, the Steam Man of the Prairies by Edward S. (Edward Sylvester) Ellis
page 53 of 128 (41%)
'Stay yer, while I take a look around!' whispered Baldy, as he slid
softly out the wagon, while the boy did the same, waiting; until sure
that the trapper would not see him.

Baldy spent a half-hour in making his reconnoissance. The result of it
was that be found there were fully twenty Indians, thoroughly
wide-awake, who were moving stealthily through the grove.

When he came back, it was with the conviction that their only safety
lay in getting away without delay.

'We've got to learn,' said he, 'how long it will take yer to git up
steam, youngster?'

'There is a full head on now. I fired up the minute you left

'Good!' exclaimed Baldy, who in his excitement did not observe that
the steam man was seething, and apparently ready to explode with the
tremendous power pent up in its vitals.


AT this juncture the trapper whispered that the Indians were again
stealing around them. Johnny's first proceeding was to pull the
whistle wide open, awaking the stillness of the night by a hideous,
prolonged screech.

Then, letting on the steam, the man made a bound forward, and the next
moment was careering over the prairie like a demon of darkness, its
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