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The Huge Hunter - Or, the Steam Man of the Prairies by Edward S. (Edward Sylvester) Ellis
page 55 of 128 (42%)
much less. Such a thing in the center of a man's forehead, and the
whistle at the end of his nose, would give him quite an impressive

'Yer must do it, too, some day My God!'

The boy instantly checked their progress, as the trapper uttered his
exclamation; but quickly as it was done, it was none too soon, for
another long step and the steam man would have gone down an
embankment, twenty feet high, into a roaring river at the base. As it
was, both made rather a hurried leap to the ground, and ran to the
front to see whether there was not danger of his going down.

But fortunately he stood firm.

'I declare that was a narrow escape!' exclaimed the boy as he gazed
down the cavernous darkness, looking doubly frightful in the gloom of
the night.

'Skulp me if that wouldn't have been almost as bad as staying among
the red-skins,' replied the trapper. 'How are we goin' to get him out
of this?'

'We've got to shove him back ourselves.'

'Can't we reverse him?'

'No; he isn't gotten up on that principle.'

By great labor they managed to make him retrograde a few steps, so
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