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The Huge Hunter - Or, the Steam Man of the Prairies by Edward S. (Edward Sylvester) Ellis
page 61 of 128 (47%)

'Begorrah, but he loves us, that he does, as the lamb observed when
speaking of the wolf,' said Mickey, just after he had sent a bullet
whistling about their ears.

'Jehosiphat! he loves us too much!' added the Yankee, who had no
relish for these stolen shots. 'If we ain't keerful, there'll be
nuthin' of us left when Baldy comes backthat is, if he comes back at

This red-skin on his black horse was so dangerous that he required
constant watching, and the men could perform only half their usual
work. It was while Mickey was on the lookout for him that he caught
sight of the steam man coming toward him, as we have related in
another place.

So long as that personage was kept puffing and tearing round the
vicinity, they knew there was no fear of disturbance from the
treacherous red-skins, who were so constantly on the alert to avenge
themselves for the loss they had suffered in the attack; but it would
hardly pay to keep an iron man as sentinel, as the wear and tear in
all probability would be too much for him.

After consulting together upon the return of Baldy, and after they had
ridden behind the steam man to their heart's content, they decided
upon their future course. As the boy, Johnny, had no intention of
devoting himself to manual labor, even had he been able, it was agreed
that he should take upon himself the part of sentinel, while the
others were at work.

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