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The Huge Hunter - Or, the Steam Man of the Prairies by Edward S. (Edward Sylvester) Ellis
page 8 of 128 (06%)
exceedingly corpulent, swelling out to aldermanic proportions, which,
after all, was little out of harmony with its immense hight.

The wagon dragged behind was an ordinary four-wheeled vehicle, with
springs, and very strong wheels, a framework being arranged, so that
when necessary it could be securely covered. To guard against the
danger of upsetting it was very broad, with low wheels, which it may
be safely said were made to 'hum' when the gentleman got fairly fender

Such is a brief and Imperfect description of this wonderful steam man,
as it appeared on its first visit to the Western prairies.


WHEN Ethan Hopkins had surveyed the steam man fully, ha drew a long
sigh and ex-claimed:

'Wal, naow, that's too had!'

'What's that?' inquired Bicknell, who had been not a little amused at
his open-mouthed amazement.

'Do you know I've been thinking of that thing for ten years, ever
since I went through Colt's pistol factory in Hartford, when I was a

'Did you ever think of any plan!'

'I never got it quite right, but I intended to do it after we got
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