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The Huge Hunter - Or, the Steam Man of the Prairies by Edward S. (Edward Sylvester) Ellis
page 93 of 128 (72%)
'I'm goin' outside to see what the reds are doin', and to see whether
thar's a chance fur 'em to gobble us up hull.'

'Do yees mind and take care of y'urself, as me mither cautioned me
when I went a shparkin',' said Mickey, who naturally felt some
apprehension, when he saw the trapper on the point of leaving them at
such a dangerous time.

'Yes. Baldy, remember that my fate is wrapped up in yours,' added the
Yankee, whose sympathies were probably excited to a still greater

'Never mind about Baldy; he has been in such business too often not to
know how to take care of himself.'

'How long do you expect to begone?'' inquired Ethan.

'Mebbe all night, if thar ain't much danger. Ef I find the varments
ar' too thick I'll stay by yer, and if they ain't I'll leave fur
several hours. Leastways, whatever I do, you'll be sure to look out
for the skunks.'

With this parting admonition, the trapper withdrew.

In going out, he made his exit by the same entrance by which all had
come in. He proceeded with great caution, for none knew better than he
the danger of a single misstep. He succeeded, after considerable time,
in reaching a portion of the valley so shrouded in gloom that he was
able to advance without fear of discovery.

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