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The Huge Hunter - Or, the Steam Man of the Prairies by Edward S. (Edward Sylvester) Ellis
page 95 of 128 (74%)
youngster sped over the prairie.

Without either party knowing it, he passed within a few yards of Duff
McIntosh, the huge trapper, whom he had known so intimately years

But had he been aware of the fact, he would only have turned further
aside, to avoid him; for, when the two trappers, several years
previous, separated, they had been engaged in a deadly quarrel, which
came near resulting fatally to both.

At length the faint rattle of the wheels caught his ear, and he bent
his steps toward the point where he judged the steam man to be.


A FEW minutes more satisfied the trapper that he was right. Gradually
out from the darkness the approaching figure resolved itself into the
steam man.

Johnny Brainerd, after leaving the huge trapper so neatly, continued
wandering aimlessly over the prairie at a moderate speed, so as to
guard against the insidious approach of the Indians, or the hunter who
had threatened to confiscate his property in so unjustifiable a

Fortunately he did not see Baldy until the latter cautiously hailed
him, otherwise he would have fled before ascertaining his identity;
but the moment he recognized his voice he hastened toward him, no less
surprised than pleased at meeting him so unexpectedly.
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