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The Huge Hunter - Or, the Steam Man of the Prairies by Edward S. (Edward Sylvester) Ellis
page 97 of 128 (75%)

'What does it mean?'

'It means that all is right.'

'Where are the Indians?'

'They ain't fur off. I wish they war further, fur ef it warn't fur
them, we'd had half the yaller metal out of thar by this time.'

Young Brainerd had the reputation of possessing a remarkably keen
vision; but, peer as much as he might, he could detect nothing
unusual. The trapper, however, affirmed that numerous forms could be
seen creeping along-the edge of the prairie, and that these same forms
were more nor less than so many red-skins.

'What are they trying to do?'


'Hadn't we better withdraw?' inquired Johnny, showing a little

'Not till we know they're after us,' was the quiet reply.

By and by the boy himself was able to get an occasional glimpse of the
shadowy figures moving to and fro.

'I think they are going to surround us,' lie added, 'and I feel as
though we ought to get out while we can do so.'
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