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The Story of the Treasure Seekers by E. (Edith) Nesbit
page 51 of 196 (26%)
remember Mother teaching me and Dora that, when we were quite little. I
wish everybody's parents would teach them this useful lesson, and the
same about orange peel.

When we'd eaten everything there was, Alice whispered--

'I see the white witch bear yonder among the trees! Let's track it and
slay it in its lair.'

'I am the bear,' said Noel; so he crept away, and we followed him among
the trees. Often the witch bear was out of sight, and then you didn't
know where it would jump out from; but sometimes we saw it, and just

'When we catch it there'll be a great fight,' said Oswald; 'and I shall
be Count Folko of Mont Faucon.'

'I'll be Gabrielle,' said Dora. She is the only one of us who likes
doing girl's parts.

'I'll be Sintram,' said Alice; 'and H. O. can be the Little Master.'

'What about Dicky?'

'Oh, I can be the Pilgrim with the bones.'

'Hist!' whispered Alice. 'See his white fairy fur gleaming amid yonder

And I saw a bit of white too. It was Noel's collar, and it had come
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