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Georgina of the Rainbows by Annie Fellows Johnston
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XXVI. Peggy Joins the Rainbow-Makers
XXVII. A Modern "St. George and the Dragon"
XXVIII. The Doctor's Discovery
XXIX. While They Waited
XXX. Nearing the End
XXXI. Comings and Goings

[Illustration: "As Long as a Man Keeps Hope at the Prow He Keeps Afloat."]

[Illustration: "Put a Rainbow 'Round Your Troubles."--Georgina.]

Chapter I

Her Earlier Memories

If old Jeremy Clapp had not sneezed his teeth into the fire that winter
day this story might have had a more seemly beginning; but, being a true
record, it must start with that sneeze, because it was the first
happening in Georgina Huntingdon's life which she could remember

She was in her high-chair by a window overlooking a gray sea, and with a
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