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Lothair by Earl of Beaconsfield Benjamin Disraeli
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by Benjamin Disraeli


"I remember him a little boy," said the duchess, "a pretty little boy,
but very shy. His mother brought him to us one day. She was a dear
friend of mine; you know she was one of my bridesmaids?"

"And you have never seen him since, mamma?" inquired a married daughter,
who looked like the younger sister of her mother.

"Never; he was an orphan shortly after; I have often reproached myself,
but it is so difficult to see boys. Then, he never went to school, but
was brought up in the Highlands with a rather savage uncle; and if he
and Bertram had not become friends at Christchurch, I do not well see
how we ever could have known him."

These remarks were made in the morning-room of Brentham, where the
mistress of the mansion sat surrounded by her daughters, all occupied
with various works. One knitted a purse, another adorned a slipper a
third emblazoned a page. Beautiful forms in counsel leaned over frames
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