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Memoirs of Aaron Burr, Volume 1. by Matthew L. (Matthew Livingston) Davis
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During a period of forty years I was intimately acquainted with
Colonel Burr, and have reason to suppose that I possessed his entire
confidence. Some time after his return from Europe in 1812, on
different occasions, he suggested casually a wish that I would make
notes of his _political life_. When the Memoirs and Correspondence of
Mr. Jefferson were published, he was much excited at the statements
which were made in his Ana respecting the presidential contest in
Congress in 1801.

He procured and sent me a copy of the work, with a request that I
would peruse the parts designated by him. From this time forward he
evinced an anxiety that I would prepare his Memoirs, offering me the
use of all his private papers, and expressing a willingness to explain
any doubtful points, and to dictate such parts of his early history as
I might require. These propositions led to frequent and full
conversations. I soon discovered that Colonel Burr was far more
tenacious of his _military_, than of his professional, political, or
moral character. His prejudices against General Washington were
immoveable. They were formed in the summer of 1776, while he resided
at headquarters; and they were confirmed unchangeably by the injustice
which he said he had experienced at the hands of the
commander-in-chief immediately after the battle of Long Island, and
the retreat of the American army from the city of New-York. These
grievances he wished to mingle with his own history; and he was
particularly anxious to examine the military movements of General
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