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Passages from the English Notebooks, Volume 1. by Nathaniel Hawthorne
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Mr. Hawthorne; yet, from the extreme delicacy and difficulty of the
subject, the Editor felt obliged to refuse compliance with this demand.
Moreover, Mr. Hawthorne had frequently and emphatically expressed the
hope that no one would attempt to write his Biography; and the Editor
perceived that it would be impossible for any person, outside of his own
domestic circle, to succeed in doing it, on account of his extreme
reserve. But it was ungracious to do nothing, and therefore the Editor,
believing that Mr. Hawthorne himself was alone capable of satisfactorily
answering the affectionate call for some sketch of his life, concluded to
publish as much as possible of his private records, and even extracts
from his private letters, in order to gratify the desire of his friends
and of literary artists to become more intimately acquainted with him.
The Editor has been severely blamed and wondered at, in some instances,
for allowing many things now published to see the light; but it has been
a matter both of conscience and courtesy to withhold nothing that could
be given up. Many of the journals were doubtless destroyed; for the
earliest date found in his American papers was that of 1835.

The Editor has transcribed the manuscripts just as they were left,
without making any new arrangement or altering any sequence,--merely
omitting some passages, and being especially careful to preserve whatever
could throw any light upon his character. To persons on a quest for
characteristics, however, each of his books reveals a great many, and it
is believed that with the aid of the Notes (both American and English)
the Tales and Romances will make out a very complete and true picture of
his individuality; and the Notes are often an open sesame to the artistic

Several thickly written pages of observations--fine and accurate
etchings--have been omitted, sometimes because too personal with regard
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