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The Life of Kit Carson - Hunter, Trapper, Guide, Indian Agent and Colonel U.S.A. by Edward S. (Edward Sylvester) Ellis
page 19 of 221 (08%)
The hunters did not know what to make of the proceeding, and looked
to Carson for advice. He had already discovered that the situation
was one of the gravest danger. Despite the professions of friendship,
Kit saw that each warrior had his weapons under his dress, where
he hoped they were not noticed by the whites. Still worse, most of
the hunters were absent visiting their traps, only Kit and a few
of his companions being in camp. The occasion was where it was
necessary to decide at once what to do and then to do it without

Among the red men was one who spoke Spanish and to him Carson
addressed himself:

"You must leave the camp at once; if you don't do so without a
minute's delay, we shall attack you and each of us is sure to kill
one warrior if not more."

These brave words accompanied by such determination of manner
were in such contrast to the usual course of the cowardly Mexicans
that the Indians were taken all aback. They could not suspect the
earnestness of the short, sturdy framed leader, nor could they
doubt that though the Indians would be sure to overwhelm the little
band, yet they would have to pay dearly for the privilege. It took
them but a few minutes to conclude the price was altogether too high
and they drew off without making a hostile demonstration against
the brave Carson and his men.

The trappers worked their way down the Colorado until they arrived
at tidewater, when they moved to the Gila, along which they trapped
until they reached the mouth of the San Pedro. They were in sore
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