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Blind Love by Wilkie Collins
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Blind Love

by Wilkie Collins (completed by Walter Besant)


IN the month of August 1889, and in the middle of the seaside holiday,
a message came to me from Wilkie Collins, then, though we hoped
otherwise, on his death-bed.

It was conveyed to me by Mr. A. P. Watt. He told me that his son had
just come from Wilkie Collins: that they had been speaking of his
novel, "Blind Love," then running in the _Illustrated London News_:
that the novel was, unfortunately, unfinished: that he himself could
not possibly finish it: and that he would be very glad, if I would
finish it if I could find the time. And that if I could undertake this
work he would send me his notes of the remainder. Wilkie Collins added
these words: "If he has the time I think he will do it: we are both old
hands at this work, and understand it, and he knows that I would do the
same for him if he were in my place."

Under the circumstances of the case, it was impossible to decline this
request. I wrote to say that time should be made, and the notes were
forwarded to me at Robin Hood's Bay. I began by reading carefully and
twice over, so as to get a grip of the story and the novelist's
intention, the part that had already appeared, and the proofs so far as
the author had gone. I then turned to the notes. I found that these
were not merely notes such as I expected--simple indications of the
plot and the development of events, but an actual detailed scenario, in
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