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Lady Windermere's Fan by Oscar Wilde
page 2 of 99 (02%)
ACT II. Drawing-room in Lord Windermere's house.
ACT III. Lord Darlington's rooms.
ACT IV. Same as Act I.

TIME: The Present
PLACE: London.

The action of the play takes place within twenty-four hours,
beginning on a Tuesday afternoon at five o'clock, and ending the
next day at 1.30 p.m.


Lessee and Manager: Mr. George Alexander
February 22nd, 1892.

Lord Windermere, Mr. George Alexander.
Lord Darlington, Mr. Nutcombe Gould.
Lord Augustus Lorton, Mr. H. H. Vincent.
Mr. Cecil Graham, Mr. Ben Webster.
Mr. Dumby, Mr. Vane-Tempest.
Mr. Hopper, Mr. Alfred Holles.
Parker (Butler), Mr. V. Sansbury.
Lady Windermere, Miss Lily Hanbury.
The Duchess of Berwick, Miss Fanny Coleman.
Lady Agatha Carlisle, Miss Laura Graves.
Lady Plymdale, Miss Granville.
Lady Jedburgh, Miss B. Page.
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