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Lady Windermere's Fan by Oscar Wilde
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PARKER. Yes, my lady.

[Exit C.]

LADY WINDERMERE. It's best for me to see him before to-night. I'm
glad he's come.

[Enter PARKER C.]

PARKER. Lord Darlington,


[Exit PARKER.]

LORD DARLINGTON. How do you do, Lady Windermere?

LADY WINDERMERE. How do you do, Lord Darlington? No, I can't
shake hands with you. My hands are all wet with these roses.
Aren't they lovely? They came up from Selby this morning.

LORD DARLINGTON. They are quite perfect. [Sees a fan lying on the
table.] And what a wonderful fan! May I look at it?

LADY WINDERMERE. Do. Pretty, isn't it! It's got my name on it,
and everything. I have only just seen it myself. It's my
husband's birthday present to me. You know to-day is my birthday?

LORD DARLINGTON. No? Is it really?
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