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The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation — Volume 05 - Central and Southern Europe by Richard Hakluyt
page 27 of 431 (06%)
this present renuntiation, reuocation, and retractation of the order and
composition aforesayd, notwithstanding. Howbeit in any other affayres
whatsoeuer, deuoutly to submit our selues vnto your highnesse pleasure and
command, both our selues, and our whole order are right willing and
desirous: and also to benefite and promote your subiects we wil indeuour to
the vtmost of our ability, Giuen in our castle of Marienburgh in the yeare
of our Lord 1398, and vpon the 22. day of February.

Frater Conradus de Iungingen, master generall
of the Order of the Dutch knights of S.
Maries hospital at Ierusalem.

* * * * *

A briefe relation of William Esturmy, and Iohn Kington concerning their
ambassages into Prussia, and the Hans-townes.

[Sidenote: 1403.] Inprimis, that in the moneth of Iuly, and in the yeare
of our Lord 1403, and the fift yeare of the reigne of our souereigne Lord
the king that nowe is, there came into England the ambassadours of the
mighty lord Fr: Conradus de Iungingen, being then Master general of
Prussia, with his letters directed vnto our foresayd souereigne lord the
king, requiring amends and recompense for certaine iniuries vniustly
offered by English men vnto the subiects of the sayd Master generall,
written in 20. articles, which amounted vnto the summe of 19120. nobles and
a halfe &c.

Item, that the third day of the moneth of October, in the yeare of our Lord
abouewritten, and in the fift yere of the reigne of our soueraigne lord the
king, between the reuerend father in God, Henrie then bishop of Lincolne
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