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The Principal Navigations, Voyages, Traffiques and Discoveries of the English Nation — Volume 05 - Central and Southern Europe by Richard Hakluyt
page 44 of 431 (10%)
and liege subiects may haue more free passage granted them vnto the parts
of Sconia, for the prouiding of herrings and of other fishes there, that
they may there remayne, and from thence also may more securely returne vnto
their owne home: and we beseech you in consideration of our owne selues,
that you would haue our marchants and liege subiects especially recommended
vnto you, safely protecting them (if need shall require) vnder the shadow
of your defence: euen as you would haue vs to deale in the like case with
your own subiects. Moreouer, whatsoeuer you shall thinke good to put in
practise in this behalfe, may it please you of your friendship, by our
faythfull subiect Iohn Browne the bearer hereof to giue vs to vnderstand.
In the sonne of the glorious virgine fare ye well, with continuall
prosperity and felicity according to your owne hearts desire. Giuen vnder
our priuie seale, at our palace of Westminster, the fift day of Iune, and
in the fift yere of our reigne.


Right reuerend and our most deare friend: albeit our welbeloued Arnold de
Dassele the procurator of your foresaid messengers, being desirous at this
time to make his final returne vnto your parts, by reason of the affayres,
for which he hath remained in our realme of England, cannot as yet obtaine
his wished expedition: notwithstanding you of your sincere affection ought
not to maruel or any whit to be grieued thereat: because troubles of wars
arising, which in some sort concerned our selues, and especially in regard
of the continuall assaults of the French men and Britons against vs and our
kingdome, for the offence of whom, and our owne defence, our liege subiects
(especially they, of whom your subiects damnified haue made their
complaints) haue armed themselues to combate vpon the sea: we could not
grant vnto the foresayd Arnold such and so speedy an expedition, as he
earnestly desired to haue. Vnto the which Arnold your procurator we haue
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