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Brook Farm by John Thomas Codman
page 6 of 325 (01%)


There were two distinct phases in the Associated life at Brook Farm.
The first was inaugurated by the pioneers, who introduced a school, and
combined it with farm and household labors. The second phase began with
an attempt to introduce methods of social science and to add mechanical
and other industries to those already commenced. These different phases
have been called the Transcendental and the Industrial periods.

Each individual had his special experiences of the life. The writer
chronicles it from his standpoint. None, perhaps, was more interested
in it than he, young as he was, but many were more able to elaborate it
and write it in details, and did he not feel that it was an important
duty neglected by all, these memoirs would have remained unwritten.

The record books of the institution are missing, and are doubtless long
ago destroyed. These chapters have been compiled and written from few
memoranda, at various times, very often after the arduous duties of
days of professional life, and with a desire only to present the
subject truthfully, faithfully and simply; and also, not wholly to
gratify curiosity, or to record the doings of the noble men and women
who were wise before their time, but to whisper courage to those who,
like their predecessors, are seeking some solution of the social
problems that involves neither the too sudden surrender of acquired
rights, the reckless abandon of old ideas to untried and crude
radicalism, or the more to-be-dreaded feuds between classes, that mean
desperation on one side and war on the other; but to aid, if possible,
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