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Ballad Book by Unknown
page 18 of 255 (07%)


The methods of ballad-work in the class-room must of course vary with
the amount of time at disposal, the extent of library privilege, and
the attainment of the students. Where the requisite books are at
hand, it may be found a profitable exercise to commit a ballad to each
member of the class, who shall hunt down the various English versions,
and, as far as his power reaches, the foreign equivalents. But
specific topical study can be put to advantage on the ballads
themselves, the fifty collected here furnishing abundant data for
discussion and illustration in regard to such subjects as the

/ Teutonic.
Ballad Language | Dialectic.
\ Idiomatic.

/ / Description.
/ Ballad Stanza | Peculiar Fitness.
| \ Variations.
Ballad Music | / Metre.
| Irregularities in | Accent.
| \ Rhyme.
\ Significance of
\ Irregularities.

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