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Ballad Book by Unknown
page 20 of 255 (07%)

Standards of Morality in the Ballads.

Religion in the Ballads / Pagan Element.
\ Christian Element. / Catholic.
\ Protestant.
Figures of Speech / Enumeration
in the Ballads | General Character.
\ Proportion.

/ Epithets.
/ Numbers.
Stock Material | Refrains.
of the Ballads | Similes.
| Metaphors.
\ Stanzas.
\ Situations.

Humor of the Ballads. / In what consisting.
\ At what directed.

Pathos of the Ballads. / By what elicited.
\ How expressed.

/ In Form.
Beauty of the Ballads. | In Matter.
\ In Spirit.

A more delicate, difficult, and valuable variety of study may be put
upon the ballads, taken one by one, with the aim of impression upon a
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