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Ballad Book by Unknown
page 27 of 255 (10%)
And if that ye wad borrow me,
At Miles Cross ye maun bide.

"And ye maun gae to the Miles Cross,
Between twelve hours and one,
Tak' haly water in your hand,
And cast a compass roun'."

"But how shall I thee ken, Tamlane,
And how shall I thee knaw,
Amang the throng o' fairy folk,
The like I never saw?"

"The first court that comes alang,
Ye'll let them a' pass by;
The neist court that comes alang
Salute them reverently.

"The third court that comes alang
Is clad in robes o' green,
And it's the head court of them a',
And in it rides the Queen.

"And I upon a milk-white steed,
Wi' a gold star in my croun;
Because I am a christen'd knight
They give me that renoun.

'First let pass the black, Janet,
And syne let pass the broun,
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