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Ballad Book by Unknown
page 64 of 255 (25%)
Sings next the nightingale?
And what is the finest thing," she says,
"That king or queen can wale?"

"The primrose is the fairest flower,
That springs on muir or dale;

The mavis is the sweetest bird
Next to the nightingale;
And yellow gowd's the finest thing,
That king or queen can wale."

"But what is the little coin," she said,
"Wad buy my castle boun'?
And what's the little boat," she said,
"Can sail the warld all roun'?"

"O hey, how mony small pennies
Mak' thrice three thousand poun'?
O hey, how mony small fishes
Swim a' the saut sea roun'?"

"I think ye are my match," she said,
"My match, an' something mair;
Ye are the first ere got the grant
Of love frae my father's heir.

"My father was lord o' nine castles,
My mither lady o' three;
My father was lord o' nine castles,
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