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Ballad Book by Unknown
page 91 of 255 (35%)

The first mane that ever him an answear mayd,
Yt was the good lord PersA":
We wyll not tell the what men we ar," he says,
"Nor whos men that we be;
But we wyll hount hear in this chays,
In the spyt of thyne and of the.

"The fattiste hartes in all Chyviat
We have kyld, and cast to carry them a-way:
"Be my troth," sayd the doughtA" Dogglas agayn,
"Ther-for the ton of us shall de this day."

Then sayd the doughtA" Doglas
Unto the lord PersA":
"To kyll all thes giltles men,
Alas, it were great pitte!

"But, PersA", thowe art a lord of lande,
I am a yerle callyd within my contrA";
Let all our men uppone a parti stande,
And do the battell off the and of me."

"Nowe Cristes cors on his crowne," sayd the lord PersA",
"Whosoever ther-to says nay;
Be my troth, doughtA" Doglas," he says,
"Thow shalt never se that day.

"Nethar in Ynglonde, Skottlonde, nar France,
Nor for no man of a woman born,
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