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Ballad Book by Unknown
page 95 of 255 (37%)

The PersA" leanyde on his brande,
And sawe the Duglas de;
He tooke the dede man be the hande,
And sayd, "Wo ys me for the!

"To have savyde thy lyffe I wolde have pertyde with
My landes for years thre,
For a better man, of hart nare of hande,
Was not in all the north contrA"."

Off all that se a Skottishe knyght,
Was callyd Sir Hewe the Mongonbyrry;
He sawe the Duglas to the deth was dyght,
He spendyd a spear, a trust! tre:--

He rod uppon a corsiare
Throughe a hondrith archery:
He never styntyde, nar never blane,
Tyll he cam to the good lord PersA".

He set uppone the lord PersA"
A dynte that was full soare;
With a suar spear of a myghttA" tre
Clean thorow the body he the PersA" bore,

A' the tother syde that a man myght se
A large cloth yard and mare:
Towe bettar captayns wear nat in ChristiantA",
Then that day slain wear ther.
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