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Behind the Bungalow by EHA
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Extended, six feet of me, over an ample easy-chair, in absolute
repose of mind and body, soothed with a cup of tea which Canjee had
ministered to me, comforted by the slippers which he had put on my
feet in place of a heavy pair of boots which he had unlaced and taken
away, feeling in charity with all mankind--from this standpoint I
began to contemplate "The Boy."

What a wonderful provision of nature he is in this half-hatched
civilization of ours, which merely distracts our energies by
multiplying our needs and leaves us no better off than we were before
we discovered them! He seems to have a natural aptitude for
discerning, or even inventing, your wants and supplies them before
you yourself are aware of them. While in his hands nothing petty
invades you. Great-mindedness becomes possible. "Magnanimus AEneas"
must have had an excellent Boy. What is the history of the Boy? How
and where did he originate? What is the derivation of his name? I
have heard it traced to the Hindoostanee word bhai, a brother, but
the usual attitude of the Anglo-Indian's mind towards his domestics
does not give sufficient support to this. I incline to the belief
that the word is of hybrid origin, having its roots in bhoee, a
bearer, and drawing the tenderer shades of its meaning from the
English word which it resembles. To this no doubt may be traced in
part the master's disposition to regard his boy always as in statu
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