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The Fair Maid of Perth - St. Valentine's Day by Sir Walter Scott
page 30 of 669 (04%)
"I desire, for the present, not to be known or addressed in my own
character; but, as I am answerable to myself alone for my actions,
I wear my incognito but for form's sake, and care little whether
you see through it or not."

He came on the right side of Catharine, who had hold of her father's
arm, and slackened his pace as if joining their party.

"Good even to you, goodman."

"The same to your worship, and thanks. May I pray you to pass on?
Our pace is too slow for that of your lordship, our company too
mean for that of your father's son."

"My father's son can best judge of that, old man. I have business
to talk of with you and with my fair St. Catharine here, the
loveliest and most obdurate saint in the calendar."

"With deep reverence, my lord," said the old man, "I would remind
you that this is good St. Valentine's Eve, which is no time for
business, and that I can have your worshipful commands by a serving
man as early as it pleases you to send them."

"There is no time like the present," said the persevering youth,
whose rank seemed to be a kind which set him above ceremony. "I wish
to know whether the buff doublet be finished which I commissioned
some time since; and from you, pretty Catharine (here he sank his
voice to a whisper), I desire to be informed whether your fair
fingers have been employed upon it, agreeably to your promise? But
I need not ask you, for my poor heart has felt the pang of each
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