Better Homes in America - Plan Book for Demonstration Week October 9 to 14, 1922 by Mrs W.B. Meloney
page 9 of 82 (10%)
page 9 of 82 (10%)
hearthstone, which raises man to his true estate.
(Signed) Calvin Coolidge THE HOME AS AN INVESTMENT By HERBERT HOOVER One can always safely judge of the character of a nation by its homes. For it is mainly through the hope of enjoying the ownership of a home that the latent energy of any citizenry is called forth. This universal yearning for better homes and the larger security, independence and freedom that they imply, was the aspiration that carried our pioneers westward. Since the preemption acts passed early in the last century, the United States, in its land laws, has recognized and put a premium upon this great incentive. It has stimulated the building of rural homes through the wide distribution of land under the Homestead Acts and by the distribution of credit through the Farm Loan Banks. Indeed, this desire for home ownership has, without question, stimulated more people to purposeful saving than any other factor. Saving, in the abstract, is, of course, a perfunctory process as compared with purposeful saving for a home, the possession of which may change the very physical, mental, and moral fibre of one's own children. Now, in the main because of the diversion of our economic strength from permanent construction to manufacturing of consumable commodities |