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The Life of St. Teresa of Jesus by Saint of Avila Teresa
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The Life of St. Teresa of Jesus

Transcriber's Note: Corrections suggested in the Corrigenda,
p. [viii] of the original text, have been made. Section number
added for L 3.9, since both the translator's preface and the
index refer to it. Footnotes gathered at the ends of chapters.
Typographical errors in two Scriptural quotations have been
corrected: In L 21 note 10, I have changed "Quae praeparavit Deus
iis qui" to "Quae praeparavit Deus his qui;" and in L 29 note 12,
I have changed "As the longing of the heart" to "As the longing
of the hart."

The Life
St. Teresa of Jesus

+ Franciscus
Archiepiscopus Westmonast.

Die 27 Sept., 1904.

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