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The Esperanto Teacher - A Simple Course for Non-Grammarians by Helen Fryer
page 62 of 277 (22%)
| SION | Anyone's | person's | |Everyone's | |
| | | Whose | | | |
| | Io | Kio | Tio | Cxio | Nenio |
| THING | Something | What thing| That | Everything| Nothing |
| | Anything | What | thing | | |
| | Iom | Kiom | Tiom | Cxiom | Neniom |
|QUANTITY|Some(of the| What |That |Every |None of the|
| | quantity)| quantity| quantity| quantity | quantity |
| | | How much |So much |All of the | |
| | | | | quantity | |
| | Iu | Kiu | Tiu | Cxiu | Neniu |
|INIVIDU-| Someone |What person|That |Each person| No one |
| ALITY | Anyone |Which thing| person |Everyone | Nobody |
| | |Who Which |That | Cxiuj = | |
| | | |(specified) all, | |
| | | | thing | all the...| |


ankro : anchor. prov- : attempt, try.
maniero : manner, way. sukces- : succeed.
riprocxo : reproach. perd- : lose.
konscienco : conscience. merit- : deserve.
propono : proposal, offer. kompren- : understand.
rando : edge. libera : free.
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