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An Historical Account of the Rise and Progress of the Colonies of South Carolina and Georgia, Volume 2 by Alexander Hewatt
page 2 of 284 (00%)
_Tomochichi's speech to the King._
_His Majesty's answer._
_Indians easiest managed by gentle and fair means._
_The colony of Switzers brought Carolina._
_Eleven townships marked out._
_A struggle about lands._
_State of the colony._
_The regulation of the Trustees._
_Their impolitical restrictions._
_Two colonies of Highlanders and Germans sent out._
_Thomas Broughton Lieut.-governor of Carolina._
_Oglethorpe fortifies Georgia._
_Which gives umbrage to the Spaniards._
_The brave Chickesaws defeat the French._
_Religious state of the colony._
_The association of Presbyterians._
_Remarks on paper currency._
_Small progress of Georgia._
_Hardships of the first settlers._
_An Irish colony planted._


_Trade obstructed by the Spaniards of Mexico._
_William Bull Lieutenant-governor._
_Oglethorpe's regiment sent to Georgia._
_The Spaniards try in vain to seduce the Creeks._
_Matters hastening to a rupture with Spain._
_Mutiny in Oglethorpe's camp._
_A negro insurrection in Carolina._
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