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Scientific American Supplement, No. 288, July 9, 1881 by Various
page 2 of 160 (01%)

The American Society of Civil Engineers. Address of President
Francis, at the Thirteenth Annual Convention, at Montreal. The
Water Power of the United States, and its Utilization

II. TECHNOLOGY AND CHEMISTRY.--Alcohol in Nature. Its presence
in earth, atmosphere, and water. 6 figures. Distillatory apparatus
and (magnified) iodoform crystals from snow water, from
rain water, from vegetable mould, etc.

Detection of Alcohol in Transparent Soaps. By H. JAY

On the Calorific Power of Fuel, and on Thompson's Calorimeter.

Explosion as an Unknown Fire Hazard. A suggestive review of
the conditions of explosions, with curious examples

Carbon. Symbol C. Combining weight. 12. By T. A. POOLEY
Second article on elementary chemistry written for brewers

Manufacture of Soaps and their Production. By W. J. MENZIES

The Preparation of Perfume Pomades. 1 figure. "Ensoufflage"
apparatus for perfumes

Organic Matter in Sea Water

Bacteria Life. Influence of heat and various gases and chemical
compounds on bacteria life
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