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Expositions of Holy Scripture: the Acts by Alexander Maclaren
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turned to another lamp we see no more of the bit of carbon. As long
as God uses a man the man is of interest to the writers of the
Scriptures. When God uses another one, they drop the first, and have
no more care about him, because their theme is not men and their
doings, but God's doings through men.

On us, and in us, and by us, and for us, if we are His servants,
Jesus Christ is working all through the ages. He is the Lord of
Providence, He is the King of history, in His hand is the book with
the seven seals; He sends His Spirit, and where His Spirit is He is;
and what His Spirit does He does. And thus He continues to teach and
to work from His throne in the heavens.

He continues to teach, not by the communication of new truth. That is
finished. The volume of Revelation is complete. The last word of the
divine utterances hath been spoken until that final word which shall
end Time and crumble the earth. But the application of the completed
Revelation, the unfolding of all that is wrapped in germ in it; the
growing of the seed into a tree, the realisation more completely by
individuals and communities of the principles and truths which Jesus
Christ has brought us by His life and His death--that is the work
that is going on to-day, and that will go on till the end of the
world. For the old Puritan belief is true, though the modern
rationalistic mutilations of it are false, 'God hath more light yet
to break forth'--and our modern men stop there. But what the sturdy
old Puritan said was, 'more light yet to break forth from His holy
Word.' Jesus Christ teaches the ages--through the lessons of
providence and the communication of His Spirit to His Church--to
understand what He gave the world when He was here.

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