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The Enormous Room by E. E. (Edward Estlin) Cummings
page 115 of 322 (35%)
complete loss, but managed to stammer simperingly that it was a part of
the United States.

"UH." The hippopotamus said.

Then he remarked that I had been arrested, and I agreed that I had been

Then he said "Have you got any money?" and before I could answer
clambered heavily to his feet and, leaning over the table before which I
stood, punched me gently.

"Uh," said the hippopotamus, sat down, and put on his glasses.

"I have your money here," he said. "You are allowed to draw a little from
time to time. You may draw 20 francs, if you like. You may draw it twice
a week."

"I should like to draw 20 francs now" I said, "in order to buy something
at the canteen."

"You will give me a receipt," said the hippopotamus. "You want to draw 20
francs now, quite so." He began, puffing and grunting, to make
handwriting of a peculiarly large and somewhat loose variety.

The weak face now stepped forward, and asked me gently: "Hugh er a merry
can?"--so I carried on a brilliant conversation in pidgeon English about
my relatives and America until interrupted by

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