The Enormous Room by E. E. (Edward Estlin) Cummings
page 125 of 322 (38%)
page 125 of 322 (38%)
once or twice, I merely presume, if one loves them--"_et ma femme est
tres gen-tille, elle est fran-caise et tres belle, tres, tres belle, vraiment; elle n'est fas comme moi, un pet-it homme laide, ma femme est grande et belle, elle sait bien lire et e-crire, vraiment; et notre fils ... vous dev-ez voir notre pet-it fils...._")--used to start up and cry out, taking B. by one arm and me by the other, "_Allons, mes amis! Chan-tons 'Quackquackquack_.'" Whereupon we would join in the following song, which Monsieur Auguste had taught us with great care, and whose renditions gave him unspeakable delight: "_Un canard, deployant chez elle (Quackquackquack) Il disait a sa canard fidele (Quackquackquack) Il disait (Quackquackquack) Il faisait (Quackquackquack) Quand_" (spelling mine) "_finirons nos desseins, Quack. Quack. Quack. Quack." I suppose I will always puzzle over the ecstasies of That Wonderful Duck. And how Monsieur Auguste, the merest gnome of a man, would bend backwards in absolute laughter at this song's spirited conclusion upon a note so low as to wither us all. |