The Russian Revolution; the Jugo-Slav Movement by Frank Alfred Golder;Robert Joseph Kerner;Samuel Northrup Harper;Alexander Ivanovitch Petrunkevitch
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page 76 of 80 (95%)
which have proclaimed the principle of right and liberty and that of
international justice. It will be a worthy member of the new Community of Nations. Drawn up in Corfu, July 7/20, 1917. The Prime Minister of the Kingdom of Serbia and Minister for Foreign Affairs (Sgd.) NIKOLA P. PASHITCH, The President of the Jugo-Slav Committee (Sgd.) DR. ANTE TRUMBIC, Advocate, Deputy and Leader of the Croatian National Party in the Dalmatian Diet, late Mayor of Split (Spalato), late Deputy for the District of Zadar (Zara) in the Austrian Parliament. BIBLIOGRAPHICAL HINTS THE following bibliography is nothing but a selected list and it has not seemed advisable to include material which is to be found in periodicals. [Footnote: For further information the investigator may consult _Slavic Europe: A Selected Bibliography in the Western European Languages comprising History, Languages, and Literature_. By R. J. Kerner. In press.] Perhaps the most recent and best general statement of the Jugo-Slav problem as a whole is to be found in A. H. E. Taylor's _The Future of the Southern Slavs_ (New York, 1917). Another useful general work is by the Serb, V. R. Savi[c]. The title is, _South-Eastern Europe: The Main Problem of the Present World Struggle_ (New York, 1918). This is an American edition, |