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Musa Pedestris - Three Centuries of Canting Songs - and Slang Rhymes [1536 - 1896] by John S. Farmer
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"The Faking Boy to the Crap is Gone" (Bon Gualtier--1841)
The Night before Larry was stretched (W. Maher--1816)
Thieves' Chaunt, The (W. H. Smith--1836)
Tottie (G. R. Sims--1887)
"Towre Out, Ben Morts" (S. Rowlands--1610)
True Bottom'd Boxer, The (J. Jones--1825)
Vain Dreamer, The (Anon--1725)
Villon's Good Night (W. E. Henley--1887)
Villon's Straight Tip (W. E. Henley--1887)
"When my Dimber Dell I Courted" (Anon--1725)
"Wot Cher" (A. Chevalier--1892)
"Ye Scamps, ye Pads, ye Divers" (Messink--1781)
"Ya-Hip, my Hearties!" (Gregson--1819)


Ainsworth, W. Harrison
Baumann, Heinrich
Bon Gualtier
Brome, Richard
Bruton, James
Chevalier, Albert
Copland, Robert
Dekker, Thomas
Dibdin, Thomas
Doss Chiderdoss
Ducange Anglicus
Egan, Pierce
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